
Spiritual Warfare: A Biblical and Balanced Perspective is unavailable, but you can change that!

Too often, Christians today either sensationalize the subject of spiritual warfare by obsessing over demon possession, exorcisms, binding the devil, and rebuking demons, or they minimize the idea and are unprepared for the real struggle they face against principalities and powers. Pastors Brian Borgman and Rob Ventura provide a balanced approach that exposes the fictions and superstitions...

day, providing the fighters a firm connection to the ground and an enhanced stability wherever they turned. Without such footgear, a soldier would never be ready for combat. He would never be able to withstand the attack of the opponent. Paul tells us that as spiritual soldiers in Jesus’ army, we are to have properly equipped feet. Specifically, he says that we are to “put on the preparation of the gospel of peace.” The term preparation in this verse is translated from a Greek
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